Monday, May 26, 2014

Six Months Old

17lbs 1oz
27 inches long
Blonde hair, blue eyes

Jolly Jumper
Pulling Lexi's hair
Sucking on as many fingers as possible

Being left in a room by himself
Napping without being held

I fight him to sleep around 10:30, out by 11:00pm, waking up every 2-3 hours.

Best Moments: 
Saying "mom" and "momma"
Meeting Grandpa Rob
Sitting up unassisted

Worst Moments:
Attempting to put Tyrus to bed on his own so I can have some quiet time...

Favourite Pictures:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awe my guy is so big compared to Tyrus. I am so happy his eczema is looking way better. Soon it will be all gone and there will be no more suffering. Can't believe he is already 6MO. Time sure is flying