Friday, December 26, 2014

13 Months Old

25 lbs
32 inches
Blonde hair, blue eyes
10 teeth

Kissing everyone and everything
Elmo everything
Waving at everyone
Calling the kitty

Being told "no"

Slept through the night twice in a row... once! But I'll take it!!

Best Moments: 
Can now say "dog" and "ice"
Blows kisses and gives kisses all of the time
Second Christmas at Grandpa's!

Worst Moments:
Falling off of the couch, resulting in a hospital visit :(
Everything came back okay, though. Just a very sore back.

Favourite pictures:

Friday, November 28, 2014

1 Year Old!!!

Photo by Phoxie Photos
23.8 lbs
31.5 inches
Blonde hair, blue eyes
8 teeth

Chatting, so much babbling and I love it!
Climbing up onto the couch
Walking, everywhere!
Playing in the bathroom sink
Sesame Street
Sparkling water

Getting in the car... but once in, it's all good!
The doctors office

Sleep is still extremely inconsistent, but I'm going with the flow. Naps are now once a day for an hour... boo! :(

Best Moments: 
1st birthday party
Saying "hi" and waving!
Can also say "yeah", "yay","up", "hot", and "ta-da"

Worst Moments:
Hand, foot, and mouth disease
Learning how to climb onto the couch

Favourite pictures:

Photo by Phoxie Photos

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Eleven Months Old

22.2 lbs
28.5 inches
Blonde hair, blue eyes
6.5 teeth

Pushing toys all over the living room
Climbing all over big teddy
Snuggles after a nap
Watching Ellen and Dr. Phil

Teething, but you handle it so well!
Being in the stroller when overtired
Diaper changes and getting dressed
Having socks on feet

Hit and miss, but usually a hit! 5-7 hour stretch followed by 2-3 hour stretches. I'll take it! :)

Best Moments: 
Taking a few steps unassisted
Getting some new toys
Learning how to say "ta-ta" when wanting something

Worst Moments:
Falling down a few stairs and getting a cut
Another 2-day cold, so thankful of breast feeding!
Car accident :(

Favourite pictures:

Monday, October 13, 2014

We Love Autumn

I made the best of a slow day with my sister, momma, and son. We went for a random drive, found this beautiful location, and took waaaaay too many photos! It was a lot of fun and Tyrus seemed to really enjoy the leaves, pumpkins, and grass :)

Aunty + Tyrus

Aunty Sarah, Nana, and Tyrus

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Ten Months Old

19 lbs (lost weight due to being active)
28.5 inches
Blonde hair, blue eyes

Putting anything he can in his mouth
Kisses from his stuffy's
Being on aunty's shoulders
Food, still
Pillows, LOVES pillows
Blowing raspberries... spitting in general

Getting dressed
Bum changes
When I move the laptop away

Finally getting more consistent! 3-5 hours at a time, it's lovely :D

Best Moments: 
Six teeth!
Getting his giant teddy
Lots of grandpa time
Standing for a few seconds alone
Starting to wave!

Worst Moments:
Eczema flare up, but it's gone already!
Horrible, gross, runny nose
Falling down 2 concrete stairs... but he's a tough dude!

Favourite Pictures: