Saturday, April 26, 2014

Five Months Old

15lbs 13oz
25.5 inches
Growing super blonde hair and still have blue eyes!

Taking naps, finally
Playing in the exersaucer, particularly screaming at his toys.
Stroller rides
Bath time
Sand at the beach

Drinking water, but he does it anyways
Extra long car rides
Feet in the ocean
Eating solids

What is sleep? I put you down between 10:30pm and 11:00pm and you're good for waking up every 2  hours for a feeding, sometimes I get 3 hours of solid sleep.

Best Moments: 
Meeting his aunty Caitlin and Grandma Fran
First Easter
Learning to crawl and almost sitting up on his own
Discovering bunnies on his blanket
Laughing ALL of the time
Trying sweet potato

Worst Moments:
4 month sleep regression
Stiiiiill battling eczema
Currently allergic to dairy, mostly milk, and peanuts

Favourite Pictures:

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