Tuesday, February 11, 2014

They Don't Tell You Everything

I never planned on having kids. In fact, I used to tell anyone and everyone that I would be the best aunty ever, but didn't want to be a mom. Clearly, things changed. I figured I could handle pregnancy, many women do it and it didn't seem too difficult. I have a few friends that recently had babies, so I figured I'd be able to get a good grasp on what I was in for... boy was I wrong! No one tells you things straight up anymore. I'm sick of that sugar coating shit. I want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

I thought I'd have this beautiful growing bump and the pregnancy glow. I thought I'd have the best 40 weeks of my life (or in my case, one day shy of 39 weeks). I was under the impression that pregnant women have the best sleep, especially if you're not working. I was told to take advantage of any and all napping opportunities and figured it was because the sleep was so good. I knew that pregnancy was uncomfortable near the end and that I'd have a waddle and have to pee a lot... that's about all I was prepared for, kind of.

Now, I know all pregnancies are different, but come on! I didn't know that I'd have to pee all of the time in my first trimester. I'm talking middle of the night and sometimes TWICE a night! I figured that would only happen towards the end of the pregnancy. I also didn't know that you only really sleep during your second trimester, and boy was that the best time of my life! Instead of feeling beautiful, I felt fat for half of my pregnancy. That pregnancy glow everyone talks about? Yeah, never happened for me.
13 weeks - 24 weeks
My belly didn't really "pop" until I was 20 weeks along and that's when people started asking about my pregnancy, they also commented on how exhausted I must be (I'm assuming because I always looked tired).

I also didn't realize how exhausted I would be towards the end. Making my bed felt like I ran a marathon and taking a shower was like a triathlon. especially when I shaved my legs! And all of that napping? Apparently it's because sleeping for long periods of time becomes a thing of the past. I would have to wake up every time I needed to roll over and I might as well get up and pee during that time, too.

35 weeks
Lastly, the two things people don't fully warn you about pregnancy are the creepy veins due to increased blood flow and pregnancy brain. I actually ended up taking a few pictures of my crazy veins. The ones I hated the most were the ones in my hands. The ones on my belly were kind of cool. Now, pregnancy brain is not so cool. The worst thing I did during my pregnancy was lock my keys in the car. Yes, it's something that many people do, but I didn't even leave my car. I got out to buy something from someone and brainlessly locked the doors and it slowly closed shut. Not cool!

I also didn't enjoy the swollen feet, but I was lucky to only have that happen a few times! It's a damn good thing pregnancy is totally worth it in the end, I sure love my baby!

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