Sunday, February 23, 2014


All pregnancies, labours, and deliveries are different, furthermore a woman's view on said things can also vary. Personally, I'm a somewhat private person on Facebook. I will share photos and little updates, but I don't post every last detail of my day. My initial plan was to announce my pregnancy near the very end in a joking way, but that didn't work out. So, I came up with a new plan to just embrace my pregnancy and take pictures of my magically growing belly and I'm happy that I chose to do that. However, I knew that I wasn't going to notify the Facebook world when I was in labour, although I did post a hint when my water broke ("Well, that was gross..."). Maybe I'm a weirdo, but labour was a pretty personal experience for me. I didn't want to be bombarded with comments/messages let alone be on Facebook. Actually, I was texting a friend when my labour started and I completely forgot to reply when the contractions started to kick my ass. I put my phone in my housecoat pocket and it stayed there until my sister retrieved it to take a photo of Baby T shortly after his birth.

Also, I told the people that watched me give birth that I didn't want anyone to post anything on Facebook. They were more than welcome to take photos, but couldn't share them until I had officially announced his birth (which I did 4.5 hours later). I also kept his name a secret, but that was for slightly different reasons... which may be turned into a blog post. Anyways, I had a short list of people that I wanted my mom or sister to text once he was born, but that was it. Elisha, my best friend in Regina, was top of the list!

So, what would you consider to be over share? Personally, I think notifying Facebook about your contractions, water breaking, and intense labour is over share. For me, that was a super private experience that I didn't want people to know about. In the end, I'm so glad I did it this way. I was bombarded with "congratulations" and such afterwards, but I didn't feel overwhelmed. I got to enjoy my labour and delivery without having Facebook or any social media on my mind and it was refreshing. Although, I did post an update a day later about my labour&delivery and why I was still in the hospital (and yes, some people actually asked me that).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I originally didn't want to post anything on FB until after Bean was born. But then my bump got big and a few people saw me out and about and the news spread like wild fire. So I figured might as well be the one to share my own news. I'm a little sad it wasn't on my terms. Ended up being able to wait until over 30 weeks.