Monday, July 7, 2014

Teething Troubles

Teething feelings like a never-ending experience. Tyrus started showing signs of teething at two months old; lots of drool, gnawing on everything, and hands constantly in his mouth. A few months passed before I could see the outline of his lower and upper front teeth. There they sit, 8 teeth ready to pop through at any moment. His chiropractor warned me that he's probably going to get several teeth within a short period of time and his gums will likely bleed. The thought alone makes my mouth hurt, so I can only imagine how badly it'll be for him. I hate the idea of drugging up my babe, so I have found a few homeopathic remedies that we've been using, off and on, for the last five months. 

I have the first necklace

Tyrus' amber necklace has helped us a lot throughout this ordeal. There are several people who aren't up to speed with the amber teething necklace so I'll explain it further. Baltic Amber is a natural analgesic and when worn on the skin, it releases healing oils that helps babies and young children to stay calm and more relaxed thoughout teething. I swear by them! Tyrus started with his first teething necklace when he was 2 months old. However, it is rumoured that the necklaces should be replaced every six months so I just bought him a new one and his drooling decreased drastically!

Borion Camilia is another homeopathic remedy that I use. It's made with sterile water and contains no sugarno colouring and no preservatives. It also comes in sterile, drinkable and unbreakable unit-doses, making it an easy-to-administer, and fast-acting way of soothing teething pains. This is one of my favourite remedies because you don't have to mess around with syringes and the proper dose. It's super easy when you're out and about! It's also not too expensive and can be found at numerous stores. I got mine from Lifestyles Market and paid $16 for 30 unit-doses.

Hyland's Baby Teething Tablets is newer to me. A friend of mine gave me the rest of hers to give it a shot. We haven't have many chances to use it, yet, but I have tried twice and Tyrus likes the taste of them and finds them entertaining! They melt super quickly in baby's mouth and are also fast-working and easy to administer. These provide a homeopathic formula for symptoms of simple restlessness and wakeful irritability due to the cutting of teeth. It helps reduce pain, inflammation and redness of gums. These can be found at several stores, including Walmart, for $10-$12.

I know some people aren't aware of drug-free ways to deal with teething, so I hope this post can open your eyes to homeopathic remedies. Of course, if none of these work, then call in Tylenol or Advil.

All in all, teething sucks! Baby T is often cranky, very cuddly, and waking frequently to comfort nurse. His first tooth is sitting on the surface (I can feel the tip of the tooth!) and the second is right behind. However, these are the first two of many more to come... remember to take a deep breath. All babies have to go through this, but there are ways of coping and helping babe, as well as yourself. It'll be over soon and you'll find yourself missing the extra cuddles... or maybe you won't! :) 

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